Gospel, The

The Workers’ Gospel can be summarized in three points:

(1)  The Homeless, Two and/by Two Ministry
(2)  The Church in the Home
(3)  The 2×2 Ministry and Church are God’s Only True/Right Way on earth.

Slogan: The church in the home and preacher without a home.

According to the Workers, Jesus came to the earth to establish the Two by Two ministry, to be a pattern and example of how believers should live; and to die to pay for the sins of mankind. His blood only covers those following in the Two by Two church. One must hear and accept the Gospel through a Worker to be saved.

A convert to their gospel must accept the belief that the Workers are God’s only true Ministers; that the Two by Two Church is God’s only true Church; that all other churches are False Churches; and all those (including other Christians) outside their church are sincerely wrong, and are bound for hell.

Their cardinal beliefs expressed by a Worker: We have often said in our meetings that there are two things fundamental to the faith of Jesus: the “homelessness of the preacher and the church in the home and only in the home.” Whenever we depart from these two fundamentals we have departed from the faith, we have become apostate. We must contend to the very end of the chapter for the homelessness of the preacher and the church in the home and only in the home (Jack Carroll, Hayden Lake, ID, 1932)