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Church Government may be divided into seven significant elements in the administration of a church. For the 2×2 church: 1. Source of authority. The 2×2 church is a top down administration. There is no one Overseer at the top; rather there are a few worldwide male Overseers who rule over large territories; under which are ..

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They believe scripture instructs children to obey their parents, wives are admonished to submit to their husbands, husbands to submit to Christ, the younger to their elders, one to another, citizens to kings and governments. They believe members should willingly obey the Workers without question based on: Hebrews 13:17 – Obey them that have the ..

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They believe in a three-fold Enemy: World, Flesh and Devil/Satan. They see Satan as a fallen angel engaged in an age-long struggle to deceive and seduce men to follow him rather than obey God. He is evil, a deceiver, a murderer, a liar, and has power only insofar as God allows. They fear him and ..

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2x2s claim they are not an organization and have no headquarters, no name, and no officers. Instead, they prefer to call themselves a worldwide family or a fellowship. They do have a hierarchy. The members are subject to the ministry, the ministry is subject to Christ who is subject to God. The women in the ..

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They refuse to take a public or official name except for situations where they are required to do so by the government. Currently, the names for their church most widely used among members are: “The Truth,” “The Way,” “The Fellowship” and The Fold of God.” Early Workers used or were called by these names: Go-Preachers, ..

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An Overseer is a Brother Worker who is responsible for and supervises the Head Workers assigned to a region (territory, state, province, country, etc.). Acts 20:28 – Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers,to feed the church of God, which he hath ..

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