The 2x2s claim they are not a sect or denomination, preferring instead to call their group a fellowship, a family or the fold. They are nicknamed the Friends and Workers Fellowship (aka F&Ws), and refer to themselves as the truth, among themselves.
Acts 2:42 – And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers .
Phil 1:5 – For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.
Worker Quote: God’s people in the world are not a sect, or a denomination or a church. They are a Family. They are His sons and His daughters. He is their Father. Jesus is their Elder Brother, and they are brethren. (Jack Carroll, 1947)
Worker Quote: I would like to dwell for a moment on the word “fellowship”. It is one of the most important words in the Bible. It means companionship, comradeship and partnership. We represent then, a fellowship, a comradeship, a companionship, a partnership of under-shepherds and sheep in this great Fold of God, under the care of the Good Shepherd who left an example for all…(Jack Carroll, 1947)
Worker Quote:…we tell people we have a worldwide fellowship and yet no organization, no registered name, no officers, no earthly headquarters, and yet we are held together as one compact, loving family… (Howard Mooney, Great Falls Special Meeting, 1970)
Worker Quote: In fact this question of hire, pay, or salary could never enter into the mind or heart of any true under shepherd in the Fold of God. There were no hireling preachers then. There are no hireling preachers now in this Fold of God.(Jack Carroll, 1947)